Haagse Hoge School

The Haagse Hoge School is a school for higher education in the city of The Hague in The Netherlands. It has about 15000 students who study all kinds of different studies. I study informatica wich could be discribed as playing, copying and selling games all day and then saying: I had a tought day!!!

Ofcourse it's much more than that! In the beginning I even had some trouble keeping up with the pace! But now I'm fine.....heck, I even find time to build this page!!!

When I'm done with this study I can use the title of software ingenieur!!! Sounds so cool!!! I hope to find a good job by then. because that's one of the view goals I have in life: To become very, very, very rich!

Visit their page for more information on this school. Or visit the page of my sector directly.

Some schoolpals of mine have homepages too:
Hugo (Armageddon)
Dani�l (Defiant)